Friday, February 27, 2009

Elvis Has Left The Building

With all of our product proofed and safely stored in oak or plastic, and with mash tubs emptied and equipment stowed away, on Tuesday morning Dave Pickerell boarded his plane to return home to Kentucky. Thanks again, Dave, for your hard work and leadership -- we certainly couldn't have done it without you!

Next steps for us include completing the clean up -- steam cleaning the mash tubs, mopping floors, and the rest, to get ready for reopening to visitors on April 1 -- and then making plans for bottling the unaged spirit. If we can get our labels approved in a timely manner, we hope to have these bottles available for sale by June 1.

Please check back in a few weeks to keep abreast of our progress!


  1. When is the whisky going to be available for sale? Will it be available by July?


  2. Can we reserve a bottle for purchase somehow?

  3. Hey guys, sorry it has taken so long. We will be offering the 375ml bottles at our shops at Mount Vernon on July 1, 2010. We can reserve a bottle, but only for a week -- supplies are limited!

    GW Distillers
